Notarized translation in Israel
A notarized translation is a professional and accurate translation prepared by a certified notary who have fluent knowledge of both languages (the language at the original document and the language of the translation). It is possible that the translation for such a purpose be prepared by a professional translator who speak well these 2 languages and then the notary will check very carefully the translation and verify it in a specific form prepared by the notary.
Anyway, the Notary who prepares the notarized translation takes responsibility that the translation is accurate and being faithful and a correct translation. The notary will sign with his signature and seal on an attached document and on the prepared written confirmation as a proof of it.
Another option which can be prepared by a notary public is a confirmation of a translator’s declaration. In such a case the notary attach to the confirmation both the original document or it’s copy and a translation not prepared by him, and also a written declaration of the translator who declares the he is a professional translator, he is fluent in both languages and that he has translated the attached document as the attached translation is a faithful and accurate translation. However it may be the case that the notary does not speak either languages of these documents. In such a case the role of the notary is mainly to confirm the signature of the translator on the mentioned declaration and to attach the said documents as a notarized document. Many authorities accept such notarized documents.
The costs of the said 2 options are different
The first option: Usually is more expensive as it is regulated by the Notaries law according to the numbers of words counted in the translation which the notary has prepared by himself and being responsible for it – the notary approve the correctness of the translation. In addition there is the cost of the translation. You May call us or just send a question by WhatsApp
(054-4566223) to receive a quote for the notarized translation of the document you hold.
The cost of notarization of the translation is 213 nis for the first 100 words in the translation and additional sum of 169 nis for each additional 100 or part of them up to the 1,000 words in the translation. In case the translation has more than 1,000 words, then the notary should ask 81 nis for each 100 words beyond the first 1000 words, or part of it.
The second option: The cost consists of a minor sum regulated by the Notaries law (169 Nis, as for 2022) for verification of the translator’s affidavit approved by a notary, and the cost of the translation paid to the translator usually. Usually it is much cheaper than the first option.
Notarial translations are required usually for governmental authorities and many companies as well, documents such as divorce certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate, documents as to leaving Israel, legalized documents, real estate documents, document issued by a Ministry etc.
Usually it is necessary to attach the original document to the notarized translation, but it may be possible just to attach a copy of the original document as the client keep the original with him.
In order to submit the notarized translation in another country, it is necessary to affix an apostille. We are taking care of achieving the apostille within 24 hours.
We have vast experience of 14 years supplying all types of notary services.
We supply immediate and efficient notarial services in our law offices Tel Aviv, and in our branch in Givat Adda.
We deliver the notarized translations by a courier or by DHL abroad, when it is necessary.
You can apply to us either by scheduling an appointment by phone call or just leave a message through e-mail, watts up (054-4566223) or at the website.